Target Audience
The target audience for this site is people who want to know the weather. And even more than that, the site is designed to suggest activities that might be nice to do in the current weather, tips for things to do inside when weather is less favorable, and also show general news and information about the cities and areas that will have their information on the website. So people may show up to look at the weather, and see the forecast for the coming days, but the target audience is those people that will find the extra information useful and want to act on the things that they read. This could mean people of all demographics will find use in the site.
Persona 1
Dale: Dale is a retired farmer who loves to golf and be outside. Since retiring he has not had much need for the internet. And other than ordering things off of the Amazon app on his phone, and reading the news, he does not spend much time involved with technology or browsing the web at all.
Persona 2
John: John is a college student who is studying psychology at his local college. He is on his laptop nearly every evening for homework and leisure, and knows his way around the web. He mostly uses his laptop for browsing, but occasionally will use his smartphone when no other option is present.
Scenario 1
Daryl & Merla: Daryl and his wife, Merla, are a retired couple living in Preston, Idaho. They moved there after busy careers back east in the city, and enjoy the rural, country aspect of being located in Preston. This summer, they are having a family reunion, and want to know the weather for the week that they will be having the reunion, as well as possible activities and events going on in the town during the reunion. They have an older computer in their home, and besides each having a smartphone that they know how to use for business and sending pictures to their kids, they are not too tech savvy. Alpha Forecast is catered to them to have a simple interface with weather, suggestions, and news artcles all easily accessible, and not crowded behind loads of weather stats and ads.
Scenario 2
Cory is a young man looking to organize a group date to go hiking to a hot spring. He wants to plan the date for this weekend. He looks up the weather and clicks the link for our website. Once there he is easily able to search for the location of the hike and get the forecast for the weekend. It says that there is 80% chance of rain, but also gives a tip on what he can do in the area during the rain. He notices an article about a new movie theatre opening up in town, and that they are selling half price tickets for opening weekend. He also sees that multiple restraunts are having solid meal deals as well. He reasons that because of this, he can make a plan to head to dinner and the movies and also try and plan the group hike for another weekend. Coming back to Alpha Forecast because he now trusts the site and our suggestions.
Scenario 3
Nolan and Carol want to plan a fun day at the park for their kids to kick off summer vacation. They come to Alpha Forecast to look up the weather for this coming Saturday. They see that it will be gorgeous outside, and that there is also a small craft fair going on at the park they are wanting to go to, and decide to buy tickets to the fair. When they go, the kids have a fantastic time, and the weather is exactly as forecasted. And the craft fair isn't half bad either!
Scenario 4
Kelly is looking to go kayaking this weekend, and is hoping for a beautiful day. The forecast says that at the location she searches, the weather will be good. She also notices in a list of activities to do, that there is a kayak rental place that is offering great deals on weekend rentals. Kelly kills two birds with one stone, and gets the weather checked, and her kayak rented in one sitting. Making planning the rest of her trip a breeze.
Scenario 5
Sean wants to know the weather for tomorrow because he has the day off from work. He checks the weather and finds that it will be less than ideal, but because Alpha Forecast also offers simple suggestions to people based on the weather of the location, he sees a link to a site about things to do indoors when the weather is bad. Although Sean does not get the beautiful day he was hoping for, he starts to take an online web development course, and discovers that he absolutely loves it.