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Idaho Falls Parade Information

By Silas Wright - East Idaho News

colorful fireworks against a night sky.

Since many people will be traveling to Idaho Falls for the parade and fireworks show, the following information is being displayed.

IDAHO FALLS — The community is excited to fully celebrate Independence day this weekend, especially since most of the events were canceled last year due to the COVID-19 pandemic. However, the Idaho Falls Parks and Recreation Department wants to remind the community that marking or saving spaces for the parade route isn’t allowed on city property until Saturday, July 3, at 6:00 a.m. Any items found on city property before then will be removed by the city. This includes places like the Aquatic Center and Tautphaus Park. Items like blankets, tarps, chairs, pop-up tents, etc. can’t be placed until Saturday. “We understand that everyone is excited for the parade,” said Parks and Recreation Director PJ Holm in a press release. “However, every year people put things out to save space that end up damaging grass, landscaping, sprinklers or other property. We want everyone to have fun, but please follow the rules and help us keep things safe and in good condition so everyone can enjoy the day.” Also, the community is not allowed to stake the ground for any reason, even after 6:00 a.m. tomorrow. This can damage the property or sprinkler systems in the ground, and can be an overall safety concern.

While this applies to city property, residents should be mindful about placing items on and not damaging private property as well. Parking along the parade route is not allowed starting July 3 at 5:00 a.m. until the parade is over, according to the Idaho Falls Police department. Any vehicle parked along the route risks a ticket or having it towed.

The following roads will be closed due to the parade at the specified times on Saturday:

South Holmes Ave will reopen after the parade has passed. The intersection of South Holmes and East 17th Street will close when the parade reaches 10th street and will remain closed until the parade has passed. Motorists are asked to avoid the area if they are not attending the parade and to otherwise use caution in the area, as foot traffic is very high even hours before the parade begins.

If you have an item that has been removed by the city, it can be retrieved by contacting the Idaho Falls Parks Maintenance Office at (208) 612-8479 during regular business hours next week. It will be closed Monday, July 5th, but open for the week on Tuesday. The city will only remove items placed on city property, but owners of private property may remove items from their areas. The parade, called the “Liberty on Parade” Independence Day Parade, begins Saturday, July 3rd, at 9 a.m. More information can be found on the Greater Idaho Falls Chamber of Commerce website.